Wednesday, March 28, 2007

This Past Week

I am making progress on my goals though not as much as i want but i want to celebrate my baby steps...

I have started to do my first assignment on the creative writing course i registered for since last year Ocotber and i hope to submit it very soon

Also now, i am finally settling sown to writing a book and i want it published before the end of the year, God helping me, so i have to make sure it is finished before the end of the year.

On the family side, my weekend was quite interesting. I had loads of fun, i even took some pictures for the first time this year with my husband, sister inlaw, her husband and son, this was on saturday, then we went out to an expensive restaurant to eat and have some ice cream. I was a bit reluctant to part with that mugh cash but my husband promptly reminded me that two years ago when i didn't have this much, i ate there, and life is meant to be enjoyed, so i mellowed! (Don't mind me, i am an ijebu (miser)). i actually really enjoyed myself that night...then i did some other things that i'm not going to share

Well, when people were going to church on Sunday, i got up to go to work for the first time in 8 days, i honestly haven't been finding it easy at work! Been under s much pressure and having to do a lo of talking, we have a lot of changes going on in the telecoms company where i work, new tariffs and a lot of other stuff taht are not working. Customers are finding it hard to grasp the whole thing...

Anyway, i think i am ready to move on to another challenge right now, i have aced my present job, i need to reach to higher heights. Maybe my writing will afford me the opportunity i need to scale other challenges, i am wondering.

....Most importantly,i am releasing myself to God and asking for His will in my life, he is the great sherperd who leads me.

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